Agenda da Coalizão na COP 22

17 de novembro de 2016
The role of Brazil, agriculture and forestry in the Paris Agreement agenda
16:45 - 18:15

Bering Room – Blue Zone
Hosted by the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture

Blairo Maggi – Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil
José Sarney Filho – Minister of Environment of Brazil
Ethel Sennhauser – Director of the Agriculture Global Practice, World Bank
Barbara Buchner – Executive Director, Climate Policy Initiative
Marcelo Furtado – Facilitator, Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture
Katia Simeonova – UNFCCC Coordinator of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation and Manager in the Mitigation, Data and Analysis Programme

The Paris Agreement has entered into force. What is going to happen now? How can Brazil implement, cooperate, and share knowledge and experiences with other strategic players?

The challenge of implementing the NDC seems even more relevant for those countries with a large forest asset. Brazil stands out as an important player and has the great task of discussing how its goals will be implemented.

The Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture has built a forum for discussion and co-creation among key players of Brazilian society – civil society, private sector, academia and financial sector – to help in the transition to a low-carbon economy, including solutions and investment opportunities for sustainable agriculture and forestry. We intend to bring together decision and opinion makers from countries that are key in these fields in order to learn and share experiences about the political, technical and financial aspects of the Paris Agreement implementation agenda.

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14 de novembro de 2016
The role of Brazil, agriculture and forestry in the Paris Agreement agenda
18:00 - 19:30


Marcelo Furtado –  Brazilian Coalition facilitator (Opening)
Marina Grossi –  President, Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) (moderator)
Elizabeth Farina – CEO,  Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA)
Fabio Marques –  Brazilian Tree Industry (IBÁ)
André Guimarães – Executive Director, Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
Marcelo Vieira – Vice-president, Brazilian Rural Society (SRB)
Carlos Rittl – Executive Secretary, Brazilian Climate Observatory (Closing) – to be confirmed

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