Our movement is composed of more than 400 representatives from the private sector, financial sector, academia, and civil society. We join these different voices in favor of Brazil’s leadership in a new low-carbon economy, with competitiveness, responsibility, and inclusion. With this in mind, we work to promote synergy between agendas for protection, conservation, sustainable use of natural and planted forests, agriculture, and climate change adaptation.
The Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture took its first steps in December 2014 and its official founding took place on June 24, 2015, with the launching of the movement’s core document, on the eve of COP 21, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, when the Paris Agreement was signed.
Since then, the movement has been positioning itself as an important player in the creation of proposals and solutions that help Brazil to implement the commitments undertaken in this global climate agreement. We strive for contributions in national debates for the development of key public policies, economic instruments, and experiences in sectors related to the country’s land use. We also take our proposals to COPs and other forums to be presented to international audiences.
In our core document there are 17 solid proposals for Brazil’s climate change agenda, involving the end of deforestation and illegal logging, the encouragement of low-carbon agriculture, the restoration of degraded areas, land-use planning and community social protection, as well as fostering competitive and sustainable production of food, forest products, and bioenergy.
Drawing from this document, the Brazilian Coalition produced many other proposals that were delivered to key decision makers in the country. There were more than 100 position papers and 50 studies or reports, with particular emphasis on the “2030-2050 Vision: The Future of Forests and Agriculture in Brazil”, a publication that outlines the main long-term goals that the members dream and work to see achieved in the near future.
Read our Activities Report
The Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture aims to articulate and facilitate actions to promote harmonious, inclusive and sustainable land use in the country, based on scientific expertise and the ability to listen and articulate to establish alliances, whether national or international, to enable the transition to the new economy. We do this by means of:
Promoting dialogue among different sectors that are part of the movement
Development of proposals that represent a common agenda
Articulation and advocacy for the delivery and implementation of proposals
Communicating this work, with transparency, to society.
The dialogue among the members of the Brazilian Coalition takes place through the movement’s 12 Task Forces, in annual plenary sessions, and in meetings of other governance bodies, such as the Task Forces and the Strategic and Executive Groups, Facilitators, and Executive Coordination.
Proposals developed by the movement and presented to the government and decision-makers in general are built by the network based on the consensus of the different sectors. To reach consensus or, in some cases, consent – when not everyone fully agrees with the proposal but allows the movement to manifest itself towards a common goal – the Brazilian Coalition continuously engages dialogue among its members. The next step after developing proposals is to present this common agenda to the public authorities.
Brazilian Coalition’s work outcomes are disclosed in its newsletters, social media, annual activity reports, and in the press.
Join our Task ForcesOur movement brings together different voices that believe in Brazil's potential to lead a green and inclusive economy.
Our MembersThe Strategic Group (GE) is the body responsible for the main Coalition decisions and for approving all the movement's proposals.
Executive Director of the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
Director of Forests and Public Policies of BVRio and Representative of the Diálogo Florestal
Researcher at FGV Agro and Executive Director at Fauna Projetos
Coalition’s Co-Facilitator and Sustainability Director of Abiec
Associate Director at Climate Policy Initiative (CPI PUC-Rio)
Executive Director of the Brazilian Tree Industry (Ibá)
ESG, Communications and Compliance Director
Coalition’s Co-Facilitator and Director of Public Policy and Government Relations of The Nature Conservancy Brazil (TNC)
Institutional Relations and Sustainability Director of Itaú Unibanco
Director of Nature Finance
President of the Brazilian World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Cebds)
Executive Director of WWF Brazil
Senior Vice President for the Americas of Conservation International (CI)
General Director of Arapyaú Institute
President of the Institute for Democracy and Sustainability (IDS)
Board Member of Marfrig and Arapyaú Institute and Visiting Fellow Hoffman Center - Chatham House
Country Director of Solidaridad Brasil Foundation
The Executive Group (GX) is responsible for the follow-up of the Coalition's actions.
Partner of Maker Sustainability
Coalition’s Co-Facilitator and Sustainability Director of Abiec
Head of ESG Agro of Itaú BBA
Coalition’s Co-Facilitator and Director of Public Policy and Government Relations of The Nature Conservancy Brazil (TNC)
Government Affairs Director of Cargill
Diretora-executiva do Imaflora
Sustainability Consultant of Klabin
Director of Forests, Land Use and Agriculture of WRI Brazil
Government Affairs Director of Natura&Co
Country Director of Solidaridad Brasil Foundation
To support the Forums, GE and GX, the Brazilian Coalition has an Executive Coordination, which is responsible for forwarding the orientations of other bodies of the movement. Along with a dedicated team, the coordination also relies upon two facilitators, who are primarily responsible for representing the movement at events and meetings, and for carrying out the dialogue between members in general. The facilitators hold a two-year term of office.
Coalition’s Co-Facilitator and Sustainability Director of Abiec
Coalition’s Co-Facilitator and Director of Public Policy and Government Relations of The Nature Conservancy Brazil (TNC)
Executive Manager
Project Consultant
Institutional Relations Analyst
Advocacy Coordinator
Specialist in Financial Management and Governance
Project Management Consultant
Operations Coordinator
Institutional Relations Coordinator
Communications Coordinator
Institutional Relations Senior Analyst
Operations Analyst