Check the status of the main tasks conducted by the Coalition Task Forces. In addition to the activities listed below, all groups are also dedicated to monitoring the implementation of proposals suggested by the movement to new governments, as described in the document “The Brazil of Tomorrow“.

The list of completed tasks refers to the main deliveries made by the Task Forces between 2022 and 2024.

This dashboard is updated at the end of each quarter.

In progress
  • Creation of a consortium with CEBDS, Instituto Arapyaú and TNC, supported by the UK Pact program, to assist the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA) in developing national bioeconomy and socio-biodiversity policies and plans;
  • Drafting a document of technical recommendations on land management to be applied in a socio-bio-economic hub in Amazonia;
  • Participation in civil society task force in support of the Bioeconomy Initiative Group of Brazil’s G20 presidency;
  • Analysis of the Complementary Bill 150/2022, which proposes the National Bioeconomy Policy;
  • Monitoring the progress of bills related to the agenda in Congress.
  • Attendance at the International Seminar Desenvolve Amazônia: Frontier and Bioeconomy in the Legal Amazon, promoted by the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR); 
  • Analysis of Bill 1855/2022, which establishes the National Policy on Biodiversity Economy Development (PNDEB);
  • Improving, expanding and gaining autonomy for the Forest Panel interface platform, which compiles data on bioeconomy products in Brazil, in partnership with the Amazon Concertation Initiative;
  • Submission of contributions to public consultations related to the Bioeconomy and Regional Sustainable Development Program (BioRegio) and the update of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (Epanb).
Carbon Markets
In progress
  • Discussions and mapping of opportunities to influence bills going through Congress on the creation of a regulated carbon market; 
  • Promoting technical discussions that will provide input for the Coalition’s position on the regulation of the Law, based on issues such as governance, interoperability and REDD+. 
  • Publication of a position paper on Bill 182/2024, which establishes the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (SBCE); 
  • Participation in public committee hearings on the voluntary and regulated carbon market in Brazil in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate;
  • Membership of the Sustainable Agrocarbon Thematic Chamber of the Ministry of Agriculture and Supply (Mapa), in a specific working group on carbon markets;
  • Submission of contributions to the Council for Sustainable Economic and Social Development of the Presidency of the Republic related to the development of a carbon emissions trading system in Brazil.
Fighting Deforestation
In progress
  • Submission of contributions to the public consultation on action plans for the prevention and control of deforestation in the Cerrado (PPCerrado) and the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm);
  • Reformulation of TF Deforestation Data, leading to the creation of TF Fighting Deforestation.
Food Security
In progress
  • Participation in the National Seminar on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in Brasilia, which gathered experts and rural workers to discuss the National ATER Policy;
  • Resuming Task Force meetings, incorporating new participants and focusing on establishing action priorities;
  • Participation in FOLU (The Food and Land Use Coalition), a global coalition working to accelerate the transformation of food and land use systems;
  • Mapping of potential stakeholders working directly in the areas of family farming and food security to bring them closer to the Coalition’s network.
  • Meeting on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) efforts in the Amazon with the CEO of the Institute of Agricultural and Sustainable Forestry Development of the State of Amazonas (Idam), Vanderlei Alvino;
  • Signature of the Call to Action by Non-State Actors at the Dubai Climate Conference (COP 28): “Transforming food systems for people, nature and the climate”;
  • Released a Statement of Action, reinforcing the Network’s efforts to promote transition of food systems.;
  • Expansion of TF ATER’s scope, which resulted in the creation of TF Food Security.
Forest Code
In progress
  • Systematic monitoring implementation of the Forest Code;
  • Survey of bills under consideration in the National Congress related to the topic.
  • Participation in a public hearing at the Joint Committee on Climate Change of the National Congress on the implementation of the Forest Code;
  • Publication of position paper on Bill 364/2019, which provides for the use and protection of the native vegetation of the Campos de Altitude associated with or covered by the Atlantic Forest biome;
  • Publication of a position paper pointing out risks to the Forest Code with the adoption of the criterion of ecological identity for the compensation of Legal Reserves and impact on the Federal Supreme Court (STF);
  • Development of an internal engagement strategy, focused on the states, to contribute to the implementation of the Forest Code.
Forest Concessions
In progress
  • Impact on Decree 12.046/2024, on the regulation of the Forest Concessions Law.
  • Follow-up on the developments of the regulation of Law 14.590/2023, via Decree 12.046/2024.
  • Liaison and publication of proposals for the regulation of Law 14.590/2023, which increases the economic attractiveness of forest concessions;
  • Attendance at the side event “Forest Concessions in Brazil: building synergies for the conservation of the Amazon”, organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), during the IDB’s Sustainability Week, in Manaus;
  • Meeting with authorities from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA) and the SFB on bottlenecks and difficulties in expanding and developing forest concessions in the country;
  • Meeting with SFB, BNDES and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) on the engagement of Coalition member companies with forest concession projects, including presentation of studies and methodologies for risk assessment;
  • Publication of position papers related to legislation: in defense of the provisional measure that resulted in a bill passed by Congress and in support of the presidential sanction of the law.
Green Finance
In progress
  • Resumption of TF activities, prioritizing discussion of the Tropical Forest For Life Fund and Sustainable Taxonomy
  • Submission of contributions to the 2024-2025 Safra Plan, prepared by Agroicone and discussed by the TF, addressed to the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) and Agrarian Development (MDA);
  • Submission of contributions to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Thematic Chamber for Credit Modernization and Agribusiness Risk Management Instruments (Modercred);
  • Submission of contributions to the voluntary task force to support the federal government’s Ecological Transformation Plan, facilitated by the AYA Institute and Systemiq;
  • Submission of contributions to the action plan for the construction of the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy.
In progress
  • Referral to an internal workshop on “Indigenous Dialogues”, indicating the need for further study and analysis of the subject.
  • Holding the internal workshop “Indigenous Dialogues”, discussing the reconciliation of the rights of traditional populations and interaction with bona fide landowners within the context of Indigenous Lands demarcation, aiming to balance coexistence in rural areas and legal certainty;
  • Creation of the Landholding TF, combining efforts previously carried out by the Land Tenure Regularization and Monitoring and Land Use Planning TFs.
Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
In progress
  • Liaising with public authorities to regulate the PES Law.
  • Mapping of bills related to the agenda;
  • Participation in the “Consultative Dialogues on Payment for Environmental Services”, organized by the Bioeconomy Secretariat of the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA), and a meeting with representatives of the Ministry on the regulation of the Payment for Environmental Services Law (Law 14.119/2021); 
  • Publication and updating of a technical note with proposals for the regulation of Law 14.119/2021;
  • Publication of minute of decree for the same legislation.
In progress
  • Preparing for the launch of version 2.0 of the Restoration and Reforestation Observatory (ORR), featuring an updated interface, qualification of secondary vegetation data and a database review;
  • Development of an integrated database in the ORR with biome collectives: Alliance for Restoration in the Amazon, Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact, Pact for the Restoration of the Pantanal, Caatinga Restoration Network, South Network of Restoration and Articulation for the Restoration of Cerrado (Araticum);
  • Interoperability development between ORR and the official monitoring platform of the UN Decade of Restoration (FERM).
  • Participation in and contribution to the technical chambers of Conaveg (National Council for the Restoration of Native Vegetation), which will provide the technical basis for the revision of Planaveg.
Silviculture of Native Species
In progress
  • Liaison with Ibama to adjust the National System to Control the Origin of Forest Products (Sinaflor) to facilitate the registration of native species planting;
  • Drafting a technical note to support the administrative process aimed at improving Sinaflor;
  • Submission of contributions to the technical chambers for Arrangements for the Economic Implementation of Restoration of Conaveg (National Council for the Recovery of Native Vegetation): 
  • Workshop with the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) to map synergies, especially in the areas of Restoration and Native Forestry;
  • Organization of the workshop “Challenges and opportunities for enabling the tropical timber market”, aimed at gathering strategic information for the development of the native species silviculture market along with private initiative in the timber sector;
  • Support ICMBio in mapping degraded areas in Conservation Units in order to identify priority areas for restoration; 
  • Training in Silviculture of Native Species in partnership with ICMBio at Flona Bom Futuro in Rondônia;
  • Implementation of the research sites of the Research and Development Program for Native Species (PP&D-SEN), with funds raised from the Bezos Earth Fund;
  • Periodic Working Group (WG Nativas) meetings with the government of Espirito Santo, aiming to create a silviculture hub in the state
  • Engaging in dialogue to present and promote the native forestry agenda with the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), Funai, and the ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), Environment and Climate Change (MMA), Agrarian Development (MDA), and Indigenous Peoples (MPI);
  • Launch of a page about Silviculture of Native Species at the Coalition’s website; 
  • Addendum to the technical cooperation agreement with the government of Espírito Santo, with a three-year extension, for the work of WG Nativas;
  • Amendments to the regulatory framework in Espírito Santo as a result of the WG Nativas: publication of a set of normative instructions that removes the requirement for a technical report for planting native trees; and an amendment to the law that exempts the exploitation of native trees from the payment of a forestry tax.
  • Publication of case studies on the economic viability of reforestation with native species.
Traceability and Transparency
In progress
  • Activities arising from setting up an advocacy strategy for the creation of a national policy on traceability and transparency in agricultural chains: liaison with stakeholders, communication strategy development, continuous promotion of dialogue, alignment between sectors and involvement in technical chambers and councils open to civil society;
  • Workshop held in August with Abiove and other soy sector stakeholders on gaps for improving traceability;
  • Workshop to be held with Abiec and other livestock stakeholders on gaps in the progress of meat traceability;
  • Monitoring the development of the AgroBrasil+Sustainable Platform, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (SDI/Mapa), so that the tool contains the necessary inputs to meet international standards (such as EUDR and others) and the expectations of users in Brazil. 
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