Check the status of the main tasks conducted by the Coalition Task Forces. In addition to the activities listed below, all groups are also dedicated to monitoring the implementation of proposals suggested by the movement to new governments, as described in the document “The Brazil of Tomorrow“.

The list of completed tasks refers to the main deliveries made by the Task Forces between 2022 and 2024.

This dashboard is updated at the end of each quarter. Last update: 12/09/2024.

In progress
  • Developing a consortium with CEBDS, Instituto Arapyaú, and TNC, supported by the UK Pact program, to assist the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA) in formulating national policies and plans for bioeconomy and socio-biodiversity;
  • Monitoring legislative processes in the National Congress for bills related to the agenda;
  • Preparing Coalition contribution documents for the National Bioeconomy Plan.
  • Participation in a civil society task force supporting the Bioeconomy Initiative Group of the Brazilian Presidency at the G20;
  • Participation in the Sectoral Workshop on the Epanb, organized by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA);
  • Holding discussion rounds with movements working on bioeconomy, such as the Pan-Amazon Network and Uma Concertação pela Amazônia;
  • Participation in the first planning workshop of the Bioeconomy and Sustainable Regional Development Program (Bioregio): “Bioeconomy Strategy and Regional Development in the Alto Solimões Territory,” in Tabatinga (AM), organized by the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR);
  • Analysis of Bill PLP 150/2022, which proposes the National Bioeconomy Policy;
  • Development of a technical recommendations document on territory management to be applied in a sociobioeconomy hub in the Amazon;
  • Participation in the International Seminar “Desenvolve Amazônia: Fronteira e Bioeconomia na Amazônia Legal,” organized by the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MIDR);
  • Analysis of Bill 1855/2022, which establishes the National Policy for the Development of the Biodiversity Economy (PNDEB);
  • Improvement, expansion, and achievement of autonomy of the interface platform Painel da Floresta, which compiles data on bioeconomy products in Brazil, in partnership with the initiative Uma Concertação pela Amazônia;
  • Submission of contributions to public consultations related to BioRegio and the update of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Epanb).
Carbon Markets
In progress
  • Development of a Work Plan for actions during the Regulation of Bill 182/2024, which establishes the Brazilian Emissions Trading System (SBCE).
  • Debate and mapping of opportunities for advocacy on bills under consideration in the National Congress regarding the creation of a regulated carbon market;
  • Publication of a position paper supporting the swiTF approval of Bill 182/2024, published on 11/18;
  • Promotion of technical discussions that will inform the Coalition’s position on the regulation of the Law, addressing topics such as governance, interoperability, and REDD+;
  • Publication of a position paper on Bill 182/2024 and advocacy with members of the House of Representatives involved in the project;
  • Participation in public hearings of committees in the House of Representatives and Senate on voluntary and regulated carbon markets in Brazil;
  • Joining the Agrocarbon Sustainable Thematic Chamber of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), in a specific working group on the carbon market;
  • Submission of contributions to the Sustainable Economic and Social Development Council of the Presidency of the Republic regarding the construction of a carbon emissions trading system in Brazil.
Fighting Deforestation
In progress
  • Submission of contributions to the public consultation on action plans for the prevention and control of deforestation in the Cerrado (PPCerrado) and the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm);
  • Reformulation of TF Deforestation Data, leading to the creation of TF Fighting Deforestation.
Food Security
In progress
  • Mapping of public policies for the transition of food systems;
  • Mapping of deliberative councils of interest as a way to insert into political advocacy spaces;
  • Participation in FOLU (The Food and Land Use Coalition), a global coalition working to accelerate the transformation of food and land use systems;
  • Mapping of potential stakeholders directly involved in family farming and food security to engage with the Coalition network.
  • Participation in the workshop of the Sectoral Adaptation Climate Plan for Family Farming, which brought together government, civil society, and academia representatives to build the Sectoral Climate Plan for Family Farming;
  • Development of a base concept matrix for the Task Force (TF), considering an opportunity for the Coalition to establish solidity and alignment among members to advance on the topic;
  • Participation in the workshop to gather inputs for the implementation of the National Plan for Productive Forests, coordinated by the Ministries of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture (MDA) and Environment and Climate Change (MMA);
  • Meeting about Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) actions in the Amazon with the president of the Sustainable Agricultural and Forestry Development Institute of the State of Amazonas (Idam), Vanderlei Alvino;
  • Participation in the National Seminar on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in Brasília, which gathered experts and rural workers to discuss the National ATER Policy;
  • Signing of the Call to Action by Non-State Actors at the Dubai Climate Conference (COP 28): “Transforming food systems for people, nature, and climate”;
  • Publication of an Action Declaration, reinforcing the network’s efforts to promote the transition of food systems;
  • Expansion of the TF ATER scope, resulting in the creation of the TF Food Security.
Forest Code
In progress
  • Systematic monitoring of the implementation of the Forest Code;
  • Development of the National Commitment to the Forest Code, a national initiative among various stakeholders aimed at establishing planning and goals for the implementation of the Forest Code;
  • Monitoring of the bills on the Forest Code in the National Congress.
  • Review of priority strategies to unlock the agenda on the Forest Code in the country, aiming to achieve objective goals that demonstrate the expected results;
  • Participation in a public hearing in the Joint Committee on Climate Change of the National Congress regarding the implementation of the Forest Code;
  • Publication of a position on Bill 364/2019, which addresses the use and protection of native vegetation in the Altitude Fields associated with or encompassed by the Atlantic Forest biome;
  • Publication of a position highlighting risks to the Forest Code with the adoption of the ecological identity criterion for compensating Legal Reserve and advocacy at the Federal Supreme Court (STF);
  • Development of an internal engagement strategy, focused on the states, to contribute to the implementation of the Forest Code;
  • Review of priority strategies to unlock the Forest Code agenda in the country, aiming to achieve specific goals that demonstrate expected progress.
Forest Concessions
In progress
  • Advocacy with different stakeholders to advance discussions on guarantees, financing, and concessions for forest restoration;
  • Monitoring developments related to the regulation of Law 14.590/2023 through Decree 12.046/2024. Key areas for further exploration include ARR, REDD+, guarantees, and financing.
  • Contributions to the public hearing on the Flona Bom Futuro, in Rondônia;
  • Advocacy on Decree 12.046/2024 regarding the regulation of the Forest Concessions Law;
  • Advocacy and publication of proposals for the regulation of Law 14.590/2023, which increases the economic attractiveness of forest concessions;
  • Participation in the parallel event “Forest Concessions in Brazil: Building Synergies for Amazon Conservation,” organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), during the IDB Sustainability Week in Manaus;
  • Meeting with authorities from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA) and the SFB regarding bottlenecks and challenges in expanding and developing forest concessions in the country;
  • Meeting with SFB, BNDES, and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) about engaging Coalition member companies with forest concession projects, including presentations of studies and methodologies for risk assessment;
  • Publication of positions related to the legislation: in support of the provisional measure that led to a bill approved in the National Congress and in support of the presidential sanction of the law.
Green Finance
In progress
  • Preparation of contributions from the Coalition for the public consultation on the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy.
  • Submission of contributions to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) on the prioritization of credit policies in the Multiannual Plan;
  • Submission of contributions to the 2024-2025 Safra Plan, prepared by Agroicone and discussed by the TF, addressed to the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) and Agrarian Development (MDA);
  • Presentation of contributions to the Thematic Chamber on Credit Modernization and Risk Management Instruments in Agribusiness (ModerCred/Mapa);
  • Joining the thematic chambers of Mapa: ModerCred and Sustainable Agrocarbon;
  • Submission of contributions to the voluntary task force supporting the government’s Ecological Transformation Plan, facilitated by the AYA Institute and Systemiq;
  • Submission of contributions to the action plan for building the Brazilian Sustainable Taxonomy;
  • Rounds of discussions by the TF on the Sustainable Taxonomy to inform contributions.
In progress
  • Deliverables of the first phase of the study on trends in land demarcation and impact on private properties. The report includes a diagnosis of indigenous lands, with an overview of the current situation of these lands.
  • Submission of an internal workshop on “Indigenous Dialogues,” with recommendations for further exploration of the topic through studies and analyses;
  • Conducting the internal workshop “Indigenous Dialogues,” discussing the reconciliation of the rights of traditional populations and interaction with bona fide landowners in the context of indigenous land demarcation, balancing rural coexistence and legal security;
  • Creation of the Land Task Force (TF Fundiária), merging the work previously conducted by the Land Regularization and Monitoring and Land Management Task Forces.
Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
In progress
  • Advocacy with public authorities for the regulation of the Payment for Environmental Services Law (Law 14.119/2021);
  • Advocacy for the development of the PES Observatory.
  • Participation in the “Consultative Dialogues on Payment for Environmental Services,” organized by the Bioeconomy Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), and a meeting with representatives of the ministry about the regulation of the PES Law;
  • Publication and update of a technical note with proposals for the regulation of the PES Law;
  • Publication of a draft decree for the same legislation;
  • Conducting a workshop for the collaborative creation of the PES Observatory, with the participation of government sectors, civil society, private sector, and academia.
In progress
  • Survey of the TF’s involvement in the implementation of Planaveg 2025-2028;
  • Mobilization of restoration collectives by biomes for training, awareness-raising, mobilization, and data transfer to the Restoration and Reforestation Observatory platform.
  • Mapping of public policies and stakeholders involved in the Restoration agenda, aiming to guide the TF’s advocacy actions;
  • Launch of version 2.0 of the Restoration and Reforestation Observatory (ORR), featuring an updated interface, improved secondary vegetation data, and a revised database;
  • Presentation of the ORR as a case study in the Forest Declaration Assessment Report, highlighting its potential to inspire other initiatives globally;
  • Co-organization of a technical-scientific workshop on restoration monitoring with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Department of Forests at MMA;
  • Co-organization of the events “Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring: Why integration of multiscale tools are needed” and “Launch of Planaveg 2025-2028,” as well as participation in the launch of the “Forest Declaration Assessment” at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 16) in Cali;
  • Development of interoperability between ORR and the official monitoring platform of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (FERM);
  • Participation and contribution, including related task forces, in the technical chambers of Conaveg (National Council for the Recovery of Native Vegetation), which will provide the technical foundation for the revision of Planaveg;
  • Creation of an integrated database with biomatic collectives (Alliance for Amazon Restoration, Pact for Atlantic Forest Restoration, Pact for Pantanal Restoration, Network for Caatinga Restoration, South Network, and Articulation for Cerrado Restoration – Araticum);
  • Participation in the Advisory Council of the GEF/Proveg project (MMA), responsible for developing the Restaura Biomas Project;
  • Support in promoting training programs organized by the Brazilian Society for Ecological Restoration (Sobre);
  • Membership of the ORR in the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring task force;
  • Publication of the white paper “State of the Art of Criteria for Reporting Areas in the Restoration Process”;
  • Launch of the technical note “Progress in the challenge to integrate, qualify, and report restoration numbers in Brazil.”
Silviculture of Native Species
In progress
  • Collaboration with the Brazilian Forest Service to develop a training course on native species silviculture for the agency’s Saberes Platform.
  • Participation in a Working Group (WG) on the topic, established by the Alliance for Restoration in the Amazon.
  • Coordination with Ibama to adjust the National System for the Control of Forest Product Origins (Sinaflor), aiming to simplify the registration process for planting native species.
  • Preparation of a technical note to support the administrative process of improving Sinaflor, with suggestions to enhance the system’s efficiency and transparency.
  • Support to the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) in mapping degraded areas within Conservation Units to identify priority areas for restoration.
  • Initial implementation of research sites under the Research and Development Program for Native Species (PP&D-SEN), funded by the Bezos Earth Fund.
  • Regular meetings of the Native Species WG with the Espírito Santo government to establish a silviculture hub in the state.
  • Event on native species silviculture in the Amazon, held in Belém, in partnership with the Alliance for Restoration in the Amazon.
  • Participation in the Espírito Madeira 2024 event in Venda Nova do Imigrante (ES), in partnership with Symbiosis and the Vale Natural Reserve, featuring a stand promoting native species silviculture and discussions on its social, economic, and environmental potential.
  • Submission of contributions to technical chambers of the National Council for Native Vegetation Recovery (Conaveg).
  • Workshop with the Brazilian Forest Service and ICMBio to map synergies, particularly in restoration and native species silviculture.
  • Training on native species silviculture in partnership with ICMBio at Flona Bom Futuro, Rondônia.
  • Workshop “Challenges and Opportunities for Enabling the Tropical Planted Timber Market” in São Paulo, attended by approximately 30 stakeholders.
  • Dialogue to present and promote the native species silviculture agenda with the Brazilian Forest Service, Funai, and the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa), Environment and Climate Change (MMA), Agrarian Development and Family Farming (MDA), and Indigenous Peoples (MPI).
  • Launch of the Native Species Silviculture page on the Coalition’s website.
  • Amendment of the technical cooperation agreement with the Espírito Santo government, extending it for three years, to support the Native Species WG.
  • Regulatory changes in Espírito Santo resulting from the Native Species WG: issuance of a normative instruction eliminating the requirement for a technical report for native tree planting and a legal amendment exempting fees for native tree exploitation.
  • Publication of case studies on the economic feasibility of reforestation with native species.
Traceability and Transparency
In progress
  • Development of a proposal for a new legal framework to promote individual traceability to be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa);
  • Conducting actions derived from the establishment of an advocacy strategy focused on creating a national policy for traceability and transparency in the agricultural supply chains: engaging with stakeholders, communication initiatives, ongoing dialogue promotion, sector alignment, and participation in technical chambers and councils open to civil society;
  • Monitoring the development of the AgroBrasil+Sustentável Platform by Mapa, ensuring the tool includes necessary inputs to comply with international regulations (such as EUDR and others);
  • Conducting a benchmarking study to identify requirements that the AgroBrasil+Sustentável Platform needs to incorporate, aiming to fully meet the expectations of Brazilian users;
  • Initiating a study on the technical and legal analysis to promote soybean traceability;
  • Beginning a study on the technical and operational challenges for implementing CAR-GTA in strategic states, to be conducted in partnership with GTFI and the Brazilian Sustainable Cattle Ranching Roundtable (MBPS).
  • Holding the in-person workshop “Advancing with Soy Traceability” with Abiove, supported by TFA, Proforest, GIZ, and Bezos Earth Fund;
  • Completion of a study assessing the Brazilian technical-legal landscape for developing mandatory individual traceability;
  • Participation, along with MBPS, in the Mapa Working Group to develop a strategic plan for implementing a public policy for mandatory individual traceability of cattle and buffalo;
  • Submission of the proposal for the national policy on mandatory individual cattle traceability to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock’s (Mapa) Department of Agricultural Defense (SDA). The suggestions were developed by MBPS and discussed by the TF;
  • Expression of support for the AgroBrasil+Sustentável Platform;
  • Development of an advocacy strategy for the TF;
  • Conducting the workshop “Contributions to the Advancement of a National Policy for Traceability and Transparency,” in partnership with Abiec, Abiove, GTFI, MBPS, Proforest, and the Boi na Linha Program;
  • Joining the Agrocarbon Sustainable Thematic Chamber of Mapa, with participation in the Working Group on traceability.
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